نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
قسم التاريخ، كلية التربية، جامعة دمنهور، مصر
الكلمات الرئيسية
الموضوعات الرئيسية
أولاً:- وثائق غير المنشورة باللغة العربية
-الدولة المصرية : مضابط مجلس الشيوخ ، الجلسة رقم 26 ، 16 يوليو 1945 ، القاهرة ، 1945م
ثانياً:- وثائق غير المنشورة باللغة الإنجليزية
- Confidential U.S state Department central files, Box 3590,Egypt 1945-1949, Interal Affaires, Decimal number 883 and Foreign Affair Decimal number 783 and 711.83 Microfilm project of university publications Ameerica, Reel 7 of 9, Enclosure No. 4 to dispatch No, 860, dated June 20, 1945, from the American Legation, Cairo, Egypt.
- Legation of the United States of America ,Cairo ,Egypt ,June 29,1945
- Enclosure No.5 to despatch No.860, dated June 28,1945,from the American Legation, Cairo, Egypt, Minorities in Egypt .
- No 884, Memorandum of Conversation Between Father Anderson of Apostolic delegation and first secretary, Lyon, Cairo, Egypt, July 5, 1945.
Provsed Revision of Egypt Law Govering the Statut Personel of non –Moslems , Cairo, Egypt, July 5, 1945.
- No.2 to Despatch, No.1561, dated May 16, 1946, from the American Legation, Cairo, Egypt.
-No. 1561, the Foreign Service of united states of America, American Legation, Cairo, Egypt, May 16.1946.
-Enclosure No. 3 to Despatch No.1561, dated May 16 , 1946 From American Legation, Cairo, Egypt ,” Christian Minorities in Egypt ‘ .
-No. 956, The American Legation, Cairo, Egypt,October29,1945, forwarding Additional -Memorandum on the statut personal by The Honorable Jasper Y. Brinton, president of the Mixed Court of Appeals.
-No. 950, The American Legation, Cairo, Egypt, October29, 1945, National Law and Law Domicile in personal status, prepared by the Honorable Jasper Y. Brinton”.
-No 1308, The American Legation, Cairo, Egypt, February 18,1946, 682/25/45, British Embassy ,Cairo, JULY 22,1945.
-No 1308,The American Legation, Cairo, Egypt, February 18, 1946. From S. Pinkney Tuck to the Secretary of Stat,Washington.
ثالثاً :- الوثائق المنشورة باللغة العربية
رابعاً : الدوريات
1- مصر ، 26 أغسطس 1924.
خامساً : المراجع العربية
سادساً:- المراجع المترجمة إلى اللغة العربية